Informations sur le produit "Advanced Foot Problems"
An incredibly realistic, life-sized, hand-painted foot replica. This replica demonstrates advanced stages of a realistic, unhealthy foot with dry, cracked skin; a bunion; callus; corn; toenail fungus; a hammer toe; open pressure point sore; ingrown toenail; and gangrene. It will help in showing patients what sores will progress to if they do not take care of them. It also helps clients understand what the different common foot problems are.

Size: 8.8 x 22.9 x 11.4 cm, Weight: 0.4 kg

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Nasco Healthcare Inc.
P.O.Box 1289
16 Simulaids Drive
12477 Saugerties, NY
United States of America


Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co. KG
Hauptstrasse 27
77886 Lauf

Achtung! Medizinisches Ausbildungsmaterial, kein Spielzeug. Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren.

Attention! Medical training material, not a toy. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age.

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Une force d'innovation constante

Responsabilité sociale

Clients fidèles - Orientation

Compréhension de la qualité

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Certification ISO 9001

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