Informations sur le produit "Circulatory System, relief model, ½ life size"
The human circulatory system as overview. The perfect opportunity to explain and understand the blood supply in the human body. The model pictures clearly the lung circulation, the heart with ist chambers, artriums and valves, the large vessels and the blood supply to the extremities. Of course liver, kidneys, spleen and a part of the intestines are shown. The front wall of the heart can be removed. To locate the vessels the model shows the skeleton, allowing to understand the three-dimensional paths of the vessels. On base board, also suitable for hanging.
Size: 90 x 35 x 5 cm

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Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG
Hauptstrasse 27
77886 Lauf

Achtung! Medizinisches Ausbildungsmaterial, kein Spielzeug. Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren.

Attention! Medical training material, not a toy. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age.

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