Informations sur le produit "NEMO Ultimate High End Neonatal Simulation Manikin"
NeMo ultimate is the high fidelity infant simulator. By accurately reproducing the anatomy and physiology of a baby, NeMo ultimate is a useful tool for all types of neonatology specialist training such as advanced life support, intensive care and various medical procedures. Unique features of the manikin include lifelike movement of the eyelids, head and limbs; pupil and Babinski reflexes; realistic sounds such as laughing, crying and coughing; and realistic silicone skin that colors to simulate conditions such as cyanosis, jaundice and pallor.

- Height: 59 cm
- Weight: 4.2 kg
- Gender: Male
- Skin color: Dark, medium or light
- Wireless and mobile
- Battery life of approx. 6 hours
- Internal power supply
- Bluetooth stethoscope simulator

- Realistic anatomy: tongue, epiglottis, vocal cords, trachea and esophagus
- Airway maneuvers: head extension and Esmarch
- Oro- and nasotracheal intubation
- Insertion of oro- and nasopharyngeal airways
- Insertion of supraglottic airway devices

- Spontaneous breathing
- Realistic chest and abdominal movements
- Different breathing patterns
- Auscultation of the lungs
- Bag-mask ventilation
- Pneumothorax
- Needle decompression
- Placement of a chest tube

- Adjustable heart rate and blood pressure
- Bilateral brachial and femoral pulses
- Fontanel and umbilical pulses
- Extensive ECG library
- Cardiac auscultation

- Anatomical landmarks for cardiac massage
- Realistic compression resistance
- Feedback on CPR quality
- Defibrillation

- Fontanelle with adjustable depth
- Movement of the eyelids
- Realistic movement of the joints
- Convulsion
- Pupillary and Babinski reflexes
- Cyanosis, jaundice, pallor- IV access
- Intraosseous access
- Bowel sounds
- Urethral catheterization
- Rectal accesssoftware
- Wireless operation
- Multi-parameter patient monitor
- 15 pre-programmed scenarios
- Detailed debriefing
- Built-in AV recording possible
- Scenario editor
- ECG and sound editor

- NeMo neonatal simulation manikin
- carrying case
- Charger with mains cable
- Bluetooth stethoscope simulator
- software
- Umbilical cord add-on
- IO leg add-on

Lifelike anatomy and
physiology of a newborn baby
Lifelike appearance with soft silicone skin
Simulation of a variety of clinical conditions
Realistic airway with tongue, vocal
ligaments, trachea and esophagus
Airway management with many airway aids
Bag-mask ventilation
Cardiac massage with realistic compression resistance
CPR feedback
Spontaneous breathing with variable
speed and depth
Vocal sounds: laughing, coughing, crying,
hiccups and more
Fontanelle with palpable pulse and adjustable depth
Palpable pulses
Auscultation of heart, lungs
and intestines
Pupil and Babinski reflexes
Cyanosis, jaundice, redness and pallor of the skin
Movements of arms and legs
for more realism
Urinary bladder catheterization

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First Distributor meeting in Thailand was an absolute success!

Pattaya, Thailand – The first Erler-Zimmer distributor meeting in Thailand took place with great response and was a complete success.

Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG
Hauptstrasse 27
77886 Lauf

Achtung! Medizinisches Ausbildungsmaterial, kein Spielzeug. Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren.

Attention! Medical training material, not a toy. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age.

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