Produktinformationen "Liver with vessels and gallbladder"
The size and shape of this specimen varies somewhat from a typical liver. It is less wedge-shaped and longer in the superoinferior dimension (on the posterior view this would translate to a greater vertical height). Normally, a liver is less than 16cm in the midclavicular line.1 This specimen measures approximately 18cm in the midclavicular line, suggesting some degree of hepatomegaly. However, it is worth mentioning that some measurement distortion may have occurred based on the fixing and curation of the specimen – and it must be noted that the accuracy of estimating liver size using a single parameter is limited. Liver measurements diagnostic of hepatomegaly vary depending on normal anatomical variation in liver size and morphology, the method of measurement, and patient features such as sex and BMI.
An alternative explanation could be normal anatomical variation. However, this specimen does not fit the description of the most common anatomical variations confused with hepatomegaly – Riedel’s lobe (a downward projection of the right lobe), ‘beaver tail’ liver (an elongated left lobe), or a papillary process projecting from the caudate lobe.

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Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG
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77886 Lauf

Achtung! Medizinisches Ausbildungsmaterial, kein Spielzeug. Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren.

Attention! Medical training material, not a toy. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age.

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