
11 Produkte
Hundekopf – oberflächliche und tiefe Präparationen-
Superficial anatomical structures:Tip of the nose (Apez nasi)Right and left wings of the nose (Alae nasi)Nonglandular skin on the tip of the nose (Planun nasale)Superficial disscetion on the left side:On the left side, the skin has been removed to identify the main anatomical structures,which are described grouped below.Muscles of the facial neuromuscular system:• M. nasolabial levator (M. levator nasolabialis)• M. canine (M. caninus)• M. buccinator (M. buccinator)• M. Zygoma9c (M. zygoma:cus)• M. parodidoauricularisMuscles of the mandibular neuromuscular system (mas9cators):• M. masseter (M. masseter)• M. Temporary (M.temporalis)Nerves:• Facial nerve: (N . facialis)• Dorsal buccal Branch (Rami buccales)• Ventral buccal Branch (Rami buccales)• Bucolabial branches (Rami buccolabiales)• N. Auriculopalpebral (N. Auriculopalpebralis)Vascular:• Facial artery (Arteria facialis)• External jugular vein: (V. Jugularis externa)o Maxillary vein (V. Maxillaris)o Linguofacial vein (V. Linguofacialis)Salivary glands:• Parotid gland and paro9d duct (Glandula parotis) (Ductus parotideus)• Mandibular gland Glandula mandibularisLymph nodes:• N. L. mandibular (Lymphonodi mandubulares)Deep dissection on the right side:On this right side mandible has been removed to see deeper anatomical structures. You can see the surfaces of the temporal bone for the temporomandibular joint (Articulatio Temporomandibularis). The medial pterygoid muscle (M. pterygoideus medialis) is identified and sectioned in its insertion area to the ramus of the mandible (Ramus mandibulae). Next to this muscle, the branches of the mandibular nerve (N. mandibularis) are identified, as well as the maxillary nerve (nevus maxillaris) and the maxillary artery (arteria maxillaris). Near the external acoustic meatus (Meatus acusticus externus), the facial nerve (N . facialis) has been maintained, with one of its branches,the auriculopalpebral nerve (N. Auriculopalpebralis), running parallel to the zygomatic arch (Arcus zygomaticus), visible atier removing the parotd salivary gland (Glandula parotis). The tongue is identified in its entire caudal extension, and the styloglossus (M. stylogossus), genioglossus (M. genioglossus) and genihyoid (M. geniohydeus) muscles reach it. Next to these muscles, the hypoglossal nerve (N. hypoglossus) is identified. In relation to the pharynx (Pharynx), the constrictor muscles of the pharynx (Mm. constrictors phyngis caudalis) are identified. In the most caudal area, in relation to the neck, the course of the common caro9d artery (arteria caarotis communis) and the vagosympathetic trunk nerve (Truncus vagosympathicus) are identified.

3.885,35 €*
Vorderbein des Hundes – Muskeln, Sehnen, Bänder, Gefäße und Nerven, distal bis zum Ellenbogen
This specimen demonstrates the superficial anatomy of a dog's right thoracic limb from the scapula to the hand. The shoulder flexor and extensor muscles of the scapular region have been preserved, along with the arm flexor and extensor muscles of the elbow. In the forearm and hand are the flexor and extensor muscles of the carpus and fingers. On the medial side of the axillary region the main nerves of the brachial plexus have been preserved. Similarly, the paths of the brachial and median arteries and their respective veins are identified. In a superficial position, the cephalic vein has been preserved together with the antebrachialis lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. Detailed anatomical description on request.

1.892,10 €*
Hinterbein des Hundes – Muskeln, Sehnen, Bänder, Gefäße und Nerven, distal zum Kniegelenk
This specimen preserves a superficial dissection of the lower hindlimb musculature from the mid-thigh to the foot, as well as nerves and vessels of the femoral canal and popliteal fossa.The insertions of the muscles of the thigh in the stifle joint and tibial bone are visible. The capsule of the stifle joint has been opened to demonstrate the menisci and the collateralligaments. Extensor and flexor muscles of the tarsus and fingers are exposed. The dissection preserves the topography of the lateral saphenous vein on the foot surface and caudal aspect of the leg Dorsal and palmar anatomical structures of the foot are dissected. Detailed anatomical description on request.

2.082,50 €*
Sagittaler Kopfschnitt eines Pferdes
This horse half-head shows a superficial dissection on the right lateral aspect and a middle sagittal section on the medial aspect.On the lateral side the skin has been removed, except on the nostrils, lips and external ear. In the rostral part of the dissection are the muscles of facial mimicry, the levator nasolabialis, canine, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus, buccinator (buccal portion) and depressor labii inferioris muscles. The caudal part of the dissection is occupied by the masseteric muscle covered by the masseteric fascia from the facial crest of the maxillary bone. This muscle presents on the surface the course of the dorsal and ventral buccal branches of the facial nerve, which end rostrally as buccolabial branches. In the notch of the facial vessels, the facial artery and vein are located together with the parotid duct. In the dorsal and caudal part of the masseter muscle, the transverse facial artery and vein are located together with the auriculotemporal nerve. The parotid-auricular muscle, the parotid gland, and the maxillary and linguofacial veins are located in the cervicofacial transit.In the middle sagittal section, the nasal cavity is occupied by the ventral nasal concha, dorsal nasal concha, and middle nasal concha, separated by the dorsal, middle, and ventral nasal meatuses. The perpendicular lamina of the ethmoid bone is located in the caudal area of the nasal cavity. This bone is the rostral limit of the cerebral fossa. The cerebellar fossa is caudal to the anterior one. The vomer bone establishes the choanae as transit to the nasopharynx where the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube is located. The oral cavity is limited dorsally by the hard palate, which continues caudally as the soft palate. The sagittal section of the tongue shows the proper lingual muscle as well as the genioglossus and genihyoid muscles. The oropharynx is occupied by the root of the tongue and the soft palate. The epiglottis, arytenoid cartilage, and cricoid cartilage limit the laryngeal cavity with the lateral ventricle, vocal fold, and infraglottic cavity. The laryngopharynx is occupied by the esophageal vestibule. The esophagus is located dorsal to the trachea and ventral to the long cervical and long capitis muscles. The mandibular lymph nodes are in the intermandibular space.

4.700,50 €*
Vorderbein des Pferdes – Muskeln, Sehnen, Bänder, Gefäße und Nerven, distal zum Kniegelenk - 1/3 lebensgröße
This specimen demonstrates the superficial anatomy of a right forelimb from the elbow joint to the hoof. The carpus and digital extensor and flexor muscles are located in the forearm related to the pathway of the median and cubital nerves. The main branches of the median artery as well as the median and cephalic veins have been maintained. Distal to the carpus the specimen shows the topographic relation of the palmar nerves with the digital tendon flexors. Distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint it is possible to see at both sides the palmar digital neurovascular bundle.

2.499,00 €*
Kniegelenk Pferd - Präparation
This specimen demonstrates the ligaments of the stifle joint with the leg in extension. In the anterior view, with the patella and the three patellar ligaments.The medial and lateral menisci, the caudal cruciate, the femoropatellar and the collateral ligaments are visible.

1.243,55 €*
Beckenpräparation beim Pferd (Fohlen) – Bänder
This specimen is focused on the sacroiliac joint, the two coxal bones (os coxae) are exposed in the dissection: Ilium, pubis and ischium, together with lumbar vertebrae and sacrum. At the sacroiliac joint, the dorsal sacroiliac ligament can be identified. The broad sacrotuberous ligament of the pelvis extends from the lateral sacral crest to the sciaticspine and ischial tuberosity. The greater sciatic foramen occupied by the lumbosacral trunk. From the vertebral bodies and part of the transverse processes of the lumbarvertebrae, the tendons of insertion of the psoas minor muscles are identified. The ventral longitudinal ligament connects the ventral aspect of most cranial lumbar vertebral bodies.

5.353,81 €*
Pferdefuß – Sehnen, Bänder, Gefäße und Nerven - 1/3 lebensgröße
This dissected right-foot specimen displays a mixture of the vascular, nervous, ligaments and tendons. The plantar digital neurovascular bundles both sides of the flexor tendons. The two digital extensor tendons are identified in the proximal dorsal aspect of the specimen. Metatarsophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints show all ligaments. Between the plantar aspect of the metatarsal bones and the digital tendon flexors is the interosseus ligament with its sesamoid and extensor branches.

2.082,50 €*
Pferdefuß – tiefe Palmarpräparation
This dissected left-foot specimen displays the plantar digital neurovascular bundle both sides of the flexor tendons. The two digital extensor tendons are identified in the dorsal aspect of the specimen. The plantar aspect of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints show a dissection of the deep ligaments and their relationship with the neurovascular bundle.

1.773,10 €*
Hinterbein des Pferdes – Muskeln, Sehnen, Bänder, Gefäße und Nerven distal des Kniegelenks - 1/3 lebensgröße
This specimen preserves a superficial dissection of the lower limb musculature from the midthigh to the hoof. The capsule of the stifle and tarsus joints has been opened to demonstrate the menisci, the main ligaments and the topography of the tendons. Muscles extensor and flexor of these joints as well as the foot joints have been dissected from the origin in the femur and tibia bones, to the insertions tendons in the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges bones. Nerves and vessels have been dissected in the popliteal fossa, tarsus and digit regions. Detailed anatomical description on request.

2.058,70 €*
Ochsenfuß – Sehnen und Bänder
This specimen records the anatomy of an ox's right foot from the metatarsus to the distal phalanges. In the dorsal aspect, the insertion of the tendons of the common, lateral and medial digital extensor muscles are the main structures. In the plantar aspect, the relation of the tendons of the superficial and deep digital flexor muscles with deep structures such as the interosseous ligament can be detected. Capsular and extra-capsular ligaments of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are also preserved.

3.045,21 €*

Hochwertige 3D-gedruckte anatomische Präparate für die Veterinärmedizin

Hochwertige 3D-gedruckte anatomische Präparate spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbesserung des Lehrens und Lernens der klinischen Veterinäranatomie. Herkömmliche Methoden zum Studium der Anatomie basieren häufig auf zweidimensionalen Abbildungen oder konservierten Leichen, die möglicherweise nicht die Tiefe und Detailgenauigkeit bieten, die für ein umfassendes Verständnis erforderlich sind. Die 3D-Drucktechnologie ermöglicht die Erstellung präziser und komplexer anatomischer Modelle, die echten Tierstrukturen sehr ähnlich sind. Diese gedruckten Exemplare bieten ein praktisches und greifbares Erlebnis und ermöglichen es den Schülern, komplexe anatomische Strukturen in einem dreidimensionalen Raum zu erkunden. Dieser taktile Ansatz verbessert das räumliche Bewusstsein, fördert ein besseres Verständnis anatomischer Zusammenhänge und ermöglicht ein intensiveres Lernerlebnis. Die Zugänglichkeit dieser hochwertigen 3D-gedruckten Proben macht sie zu einem unschätzbar wertvollen Instrument zur Förderung der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Veterinärmedizinern und trägt letztendlich zu verbesserten klinischen Fähigkeiten und einer besseren Patientenversorgung bei.

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