Product information "Chart Female genital organs, 70x100cm"
High Quality anatomical chart, made of 200µ plastic foil, size appr. 70x100cm, incl. metal edging with hanger cord. Nomenclature in German and English.

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Erler-Zimmer GmbH & Co.KG
Hauptstrasse 27
77886 Lauf

Achtung! Medizinisches Ausbildungsmaterial, kein Spielzeug. Nicht geeignet für Personen unter 14 Jahren.

Attention! Medical training material, not a toy. Not suitable for persons under 14 years of age.

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Female Pelvic Floor Model, 12 part, magnetic
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Chart Pelvic floor, 70x100cm
High Quality anatomical chart, made of 200µ plastic foil, size appr. 70x100cm, incl. metal edging with hanger cord. Nomenclature in German and English.

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High Quality anatomical chart, made of 200µ plastic foil, size appr. 70x100cm, incl. metal edging with hanger cord. Nomenclature in German and English.

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