Heart and the distal trachea, carina and primary bronchi
This 3D printed specimen preserves the external anatomy of the heart and the distal trachea, carina, and primary bronchi in the posterior mediastinum relative to the great vessels and left atrium (which demonstrates the pericardial reflections of the transverse and oblique pericardial sinuses). An anterior window has been dissected into the right atrium and base of the auricle, exposing the right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve and passage into the right ventricle. Both the right and left coronary arteries and named branches are visible (with the posterior interventricular artery arising from the right coronary artery). The left auricle has been sectioned to demonstrate the course of the circumflex artery in the coronary groove. The cardiac veins have been removed, but the coronary sinus has been retained inferior to the left atrium. The pulmonary trunk has been removed to expose the (open) pulmonary semilunar valves, while the arch of the aorta is intact to display the origins of the brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid, and left subclavian. Adjacent to the aorta, the termination of the left and right brachiocephalic veins and azygos vein into the superior vena cava is preserved. Detailed anatomical description on request.
Heart internal structures
This 3D printed heart has been dissected to display the internal structures of the chambers. At the base of the heart the termination of the superior vena cava is preserved entering the right atrium. Part of the inferior vena cava is also preserved on the inferior aspect of the right atrium; however, most of the vessel lumen and much of the anterior wall has been removed to expose the pectinate muscles of the right auricle and the fossa ovalis (which is nearly translucent in the 3D print). The anterior wall of the right ventricle has also been removed to expose the right atrioventricular valve and its three cusps (anterior, posterior, and septal), including the chordae tendineae connecting them to respective papillary muscles projectingfrom trabeculae carneae (including a septomarginal trabecula entering the anterior papillary muscle from the interventricular septum). Detailed anatomical description on request.
This 3D printed heart specimen preserves superficial cardiac anatomy and the bases of the great vessels. All four chambers (atria and ventricles) are preserved, with the pericardial reflections on the left atrium demarcating the position of the transverse and oblique pericardial sinuses. The right marginal branch of the right coronary artery is visible exiting from the fat-filled coronary sulcus, as well as the posterior interventricular (posterior descending) artery within its sulcus. The anterior interventricular (left anterior descending) and diagonal branches from the left coronary artery are also visible anteriorly, as well as the terminal portion of the circumflex branch deep to the left auricle and great cardiac vein. On the posterior aspect, the coronary sinus receives all the cardiac veins (great, middle, small) and a prominent posterior vein of the left ventricle. The aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves are visible at the bases of the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, respectively. Detailed anatomical description on request.
Bowel - Portion of Ileum
This 3D printed specimen demonstrates a small loop of ileum and mesentery. A window into the mesentery has been dissected (removing fat and visceral peritoneum) to show arterial arcades in the mesentery. Detailed anatomical description on request.
Bowel - Portion of Jejenum
This 3D printed specimen presents a small loop of jejenum and mesentery. A window into the mesentery, fat and visceral peritoneum has been removed to illustrate the arterial arcades in the mesentery. Detailed anatomical description on request.
Bronchial Tree
This 3D printed specimen presents the conducting pathways of the respiratory system from the trachea, carina, and complete right and left bronchial trees to the level of the tertiary lobar bronchi. Each set of lobar bronchi have been colour-coded to demonstrate the bronchopulmonary segments of the right and left lobes. Detailed anatomical description on request.
Human body replicas to improve teaching!
Erler-Zimmer's groundbreaking Anatomy Series features a unique and unrivalled collection of colourised human body replicas specifically designed to enhance teaching and learning. This premium collection of highly accurate human anatomy has been created directly from radiological data or real specimens using the latest imaging techniques. The 3D Human Anatomy Series offers a cost-effective way to meet your specific teaching and demonstration needs across the curriculum in medicine, health sciences and biology. A detailed description of the anatomy represented in each 3D printed specimen is included. What are the advantages of the Monash 3D Anatomy Series compared to plastic models or real human plastinates?
Each body replica has been carefully developed from selected radiological patient data or dissected human bodies of the highest quality, chosen by a highly skilled team of anatomists at Monash University's Human Anatomy Teaching Centre, to represent clinically important areas of anatomy in a quality and detail not possible with conventional models - it is real anatomy, not stylised. Each body replica has been rigorously checked by the highly qualified team of anatomists at Monash University's Human Anatomy Teaching Centre to ensure the anatomical accuracy of the final product. The body replicas are not real human tissue and are therefore not subject to any restrictions on transport, import or use in educational institutions that do not have permission to use cadavers. The
exclusive 3D Anatomy Series avoids these and other ethical issues that arise when dealing with plastinated human remains.