Brain stem, deep cerebral and diencephalic structures
This 3D model preserves the several deep cerebral and diencephalic structures through to the proximal medulla oblongata and compliment the other isolated brainstem (BRW10) in our series.Superiorly, on the right side of the 3D model, the lentiform (lenticular) nucleus is in place and the corona radiata of the internal capsule is seen emerging around it. On the left, the lentiform nucleus is absent, but the caudate nucleus head and body are present medially on both sides, wrapping medial to the preserved internal capsule margins and leading to the amygdaloid bodies on each side. The thalami are present bilaterally, and the third ventricle is opened slightly in the midline inferior to the epithalamus (pineal gland).Anteriorly, the cerebral peduncles are present, with the optic nerves extending from the preserved chiasm and tracts. The interpeduncular region is exposed with both the mammillary bodies and the sectioned infundibulum visible. Caudal to the interpeduncular region is the pons preserving the origins of the middle cerebellar peduncles as well as the origins of cranial nerves V, VII, and VIII. The portion of the medulla oblongata preserved possesses prominent pyramids and olives.Posteriorly, the superior and inferior colliculi sit just superior to the sectioned superior cerebellar peduncles, and the fourth ventricle is opened to expose the rhomboid fossa and features of the floor: the medial eminence, facial colliculus, hypoglossal triangle, the vestibular triangle and the vagal triangle.
Sagittal Section of Head and Neck with Infratemporal Fossa and Carotid Sheath Dissection
This 3D model provides a complimentary specimen to the H 11 and H 12 head and neck specimens by providing a perspective of the endocranial cavity without the brain, and a lateral dissection inclusive of neck anatomy.In the midsagittal section, the removal of the brain (and reflection of the medulla oblongata inferiorly) affords a full view of the dura mater lining the endocranial cavity, including the tentorium cerebelli spanning from the transverse sinus to the attachment to the clinoid process of the sphenoid. A series of cranial nerves, including the optic (CN II), oculomotor (CN III), trigeminal (CN V), the abducens (CN VI) and the combined facial (CN VII) and vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) nerves can be seen piercing the dura. The pituitary gland can be seen in cross-section within the sella turcica, and the left vertebral artery can be seen ascending in the posterior cranial fossa.The lateral dissection to the face has retained some superficial structures while simultaneously exposing the anatomy within the infratemporal fossa. The facial vein and facial artery have been preserved but are dissected away from any superficial fascia or muscles of facial expression and lie across the corpus of the mandible and buccinator muscle. Most of the ascending ramus of the mandible and the zygomatic arch have been removed to demonstrate some of the infratemporal fossa anatomy, including the inferior alveolar artery and nerve and lingual nerve (resting on the medial pterygoid), the posterior deep temporal artery (resting on the lateral pterygoid), and the articulation of the mandibular condyle with the glenoid fossa. The terminal part of the external carotid artery is visible, as is the first part of the maxillary artery and the superficial temporal artery.Posterior to the infratemporal region, the facial nerve (CN VII) can be seen briefly adjacent to the posterior belly of the digastic muscle. The posterior belly of the digastric angles superficially to obscure the internal and external carotid arteries and the internal jugular vein, which have been dissected from the carotid sheath (alongside the vagus nerve [CN X]). At the angle of the mandible, and along the inferior margin of the corpus, the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) rests just adjacent to the central tendon of the digastric and the external carotid artery. Anteriorly, the facial artery is integrated into the submandibular gland before ascending across the mandibular corpus, where the lingual artery and anterior belly of the digastric can be observed. A set of superficial veins descend inferiorly into the neck as a presumptive external jugular vein (although displaced given the removal of the retromandibular vein and sternocleidomastoid muscle, it is too posterior to be an anterior jugular vein).In the neck region of the specimen, the hyoid bone is immediately deep to the submandibular gland and receives infrahyoid muscles just superficial to a robust thyroid gland. At the cut section of the dissection inferiorly, the underlying larynx can also be observed. Posterior to the carotid sheath structures, radiating cutaneous branches from the cervical plexus rest on the scalene muscles, and near the inferior margin of the specimen the upper roots of the brachial plexus are preserved adjacent to the exposed internal jugular vein.
Brain Stem, isolated anatomy from midbrain to medulla oblongata
This 3D model provides a view of the isolated brainstem anatomy from the midbrain to the medulla oblongata, and compliments the other diencephalon/brainstem 3D model (BR 10) in our series.Rostrally, the 3D model has been sectioned at an angle from the overlying diencephalon while retaining the mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus between the cerebral peduncles (anteriorly) and the pineal gland/epithalamus (posteriorly). Posteriorly, the corpora quadrigemina (the collective superior and inferior colliculi) of the midbrain are prominent adjacent to the superior cerebellar peduncles. The cerebellum itself has been removed, leaving the cross-section of the middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles on each side. Inferior to the sectioned peduncles is the partially opened fourth ventricle and remnants of the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.On the ventral aspect of the 3D model the pons is preserved with the origin of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) preserved (particularly on the left side). Inferior to the pons on the medulla oblongata, both the pyramids and olives are visible on both sides (particularly clear on the right).
Superficial Face
This 3D model presents a superficial dissection of a left face anterior to the ear with false colouring highlighting a series of neurovascular structures alongside the superficial muscles of facial expression. This compliments the more expanded superficial dissection of the face and lateral head presented in our HW 45 model. The undissected regions of the model have been digitally removed.Starting just anterior to the ear, the opened window of dissection has exposed the parotid gland and associated duct transmitting anterior towards the oral cavity. Exiting from the margins of the parotid gland are terminal branches of the facial nerve (CN VII), including the cervical, mandibular, buccal, zygomatic and temporal. The cervical and mandibular branches at the inferior portion of the dissection window can be seen angling inferiorly and passing superficially relative to the facial vein (which ascends towards the medial canthus of the eye). The mandibular branch passes just deep to the facial artery, which runs in parallel with the facial vein. Tracing the pathway of these vessels from the mandible towards the nasal and orbital regions also provides a checklist of superficial and deep muscles that have been highlighted, from the masseter deep to the parotid through to the depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, the zygomaticus major and minor, the orbicularis oris, the nasalis and levator labii superioris alaeque, the procerus and the orbicularis oculi.Along the superior margin of the parotid gland the base of the auriculotemporal nerve and the superficial temporal artery ascends anterior to the ear and rests on a partially dissected temporal fascia to expose part of the temporalis muscle. Moving anteriorly over the orbit, the supraorbital nerve and supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries have been highlighted and ascend on the epicranial aponeurosis. Within that layer the deeper frontalis muscle can be appreciated as a darker shadow within the layer.
Median Section through head sagittal section of head with deep dissection
This 3D model combines a midsagittal section of the head with preservation of brain and cranial cavity anatomy, with a unique deep dissection of the pharyngeal region via removal of basicranial bone and the anterior parts of the atlas and axis. As the opposing side is undissected it has been digitally eliminated from the model.Within the endocranial cavity the preservation of dura mater retains the superior sagittal sinus across much of its course from anterior to posterior, reaching the confluence of sinuses visible in cross-section. Both the tentorium cerebelli and the falx cerebelli are preserved. The cerebrum is well-reserved with retention of the cingulate gyrus and sulcus, and removal of the septum pellucidum inferior to the corpus callosum providing a view into the lateral ventricle (with retention of the interventricular foramen at the inferior margin of the septum). The diencephalon and midbrain structures (epithalamus, colliculi, mamillary body, infundibulum) are all appreciable in cross-section as is the cerebellar hemisphere and fourth ventricle. Small views of the anterior cerebral and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries are visible (and false coloured).Outside the endocranium, removal of parts of the occipital, temporal and sphenoid bones (alongside the atlas and axis) has been coupled with removal of the pharyngeal constrictors, carotid sheath and oral mucosa to demonstrate a unique view of several key neurovascular and glandular structures. Within the zone of removed tissue there is partial exposure of the right common carotid artery within the dissected petrous portion of the temporal, as well as partial exposure of the left vertebral artery through disruption of the occipital and dural covering.The medial and lateral pterygoids are exposed near the posterior margin of the largely intact nasal cavity. Between the exposed dura and medulla and the pterygoids (and trapped deep to the sectioned and reflected stylohyoid muscle) the dissected carotid sheath has exposed the internal jugular vein, the vagus nerve, the internal carotid artery (with overriding ascending pharyngeal artery from the external carotid artery), and the sympathetic trunk (with superior cervical ganglion and internal carotid nerve). Immediately anterior to this bundle of neurovascular structures is the external carotid artery, giving rise to the ascending pharyngeal artery, a common trunk for the lingual and facial arteries, and then continuing superiorly out of the plane of dissection. The submandibular gland can be seen resting on the mylohyoid muscle near the lingual artery (which passes deep relative to the gland), with the duct passing towards the genu of the mandible and the origin of the reflected genioglossus muscle. At the inferior border of the specimen, the reflected margin of the dissected tongue the hypoglossal nerve can be seen deep to the lingual artery.
Brain Hemisection
This 3D model is a midsagittal hemisection through a whole brain, preserving the right side anatomy and deep brain structures and spaces visible in the midline. In lateral view, the right cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres are covered in the arachnoid mater. In the midline view, the brain regions from the cerebrum to the medulla oblongata are preserved. Centrally, the third ventricle is opened, with an intact septum pellucidum superiorly positioned and obscuring the lateral ventricles within the cerebral hemisphere. On the inferior margin of the third ventricle both the right mamillary body and right optic tract can be observed, whereas posteriorly the cerebral aqueduct can be observed extending across the midbrain between the tectum and tegmentum towards the fourth ventricle (between the cerebellum and pons). The cerebellum is separated from the occipital lobe by a preserved portion of the tentorium cerebelli, and in cross-section the cerebellar cortex helps form the prominent arbor vitae.A series of arterial branches have been false coloured to contrast their course across the preserved brain structures. In the midsagittal view the anterior cerebral artery courses from around the corpus callosum to supply the cingulate gyrus and other midline cortical regions. The base of the middle cerebral artery can be seen passing deep between the temporal and frontal lobes, with the posterior communicating artery connecting it to a small remnant of the posterior cerebral artery. Adjacent to the posterior cerebral is the superior cerebellar artery, extending laterally to pass between the temporal lobe and the cerebellum before passing deep into the transverse fissure.
Sinus Pathways
This 3D model provides a midsagittal to parasagittal segment of a right head to demonstrate the relationships and passageways of the paranasal sinuses. These passageways have been highlighted with thin coloured markers to indicate the relationship of these communicating routes between the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity.Starting anteriorly in the nasal cavity, the opening of the nasolacrimal duct (white) is present just deep to the inferior nasal conchae. The middle nasal concha has been sectioned to allow for a clear view of the opening of the maxillary sinus (visible in the parasagittal plane) across the semilunar hiatus (green), as well as the drainage of the frontal sinus (blue; with the sinus visible superiorly in the section and in the transverse cut through the specimen) and the anterior (orange) and middle (yellow) ethmoidal cells. The opening of the posterior ethmoidal cells into the superior meatus is shown through the purple marker, which is visible within a small opened window into the ethmoid just superior to the nasal cavity. Finally, the opening of the sphenoid sinus is marked in red and visible through the opened sphenoid sinus itself just superior to the nasopharyngeal region.In addition to these pathways, this 3D model also captures some of the surrounding anatomy within the section. Visible in the midsagittal view are the other primary structures of the nasal cavity from the nostril to the opening of the auditory tube posteriorly. The soft palate and uvula are preserved, as is the rest of the pharynx just to the level of the epiglottis and collapsed laryngeal region at the inferior part of the preserved specimen. The oral cavity is displayed in cross section, with distinct genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles. In the cranial cavity, parts of the brain are preserved including the inferior parts of the frontal lobe and the right optic nerve/chiasm/tract. The pituitary gland is visible in cross-section just superior to the sphenoid sinus. The pons, medulla oblongata, and most of the cerebellum are present, with a small part of the tentorium cerebelli separating the cerebellum from the right occipital lobe of the cerebrum. On the parasagittal side of the specimen there is a continuation of the tentorium cerebelli separating these parts of the brain, with clear cross-sections of the transverse sinus and part of the sigmoid sinus on either side of the cerebellum. Overlying this is a small part of the medial temporal lobe of the cerebellum with part of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle deep within the lobe.
Transverse Section of the head
This 3D model preserves a transverse section through the cranial cavity with partial dissection of the brain and exposure of the left orbital roof, alongside a deep dissection of the face and temporomandibular joint region.Within the cranial cavity, the dura mater has been largely removed from the anterior cranial fossa, with retention of the layer in part across the middle and posterior cranial fossae. On the right side, the cerebrum has been dissected to expose the lateral ventricle and to open the lateral fissure to demonstrate the course of the middle cerebral artery between the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. A more significant dissection of the brain on the left side allows for an appreciation of the midline third ventricle and retained septum pellucidum on the right side, the falx cerebri (with the superior sagittal sinus visible in cross-section), and parts of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral ventricle with choroid plexus. This differential dissection of the brain also provides an excellent view of the optic nerves, chiasm and tracts, and the relation of these nervous structures to the left internal carotid artery, and bases of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries.Anteriorly in the cranial cavity, the left optic nerve can be followed into the left orbit, which has been opened to expose several key orbital structures. Centrally, the frontal nerve is well-preserved on the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. Laterally, the lacrimal gland rests in the superior quadrant, while medially the partial dissection into the frontal bone and sinuses affords a clear view of the superior oblique muscle passing through the trochlea. Deep to these superficial structures extraocular fat has been removed to show the medial rectus muscle laterally, and the nasocilliary nerve and medial rectus muscles medially.In the face, the skin, superficial tissue, orbicularis oculi and extraocular fat have been removed from the right orbit to expose the extraocular muscles and lacrimal gland. The levator palpebrae superioris is well-defined despite being detached from the superior tarsal plate. The reflection of the superior oblique muscle from the trochlea onto the eye can be seen, as well as the insertions of the medial and lateral rectus muscle, and the full course of the inferior oblique.Across the rest of the right side of the face and temporal region a deep dissection has exposed a number of structures. Inferior to the orbital margin, the infraorbital artery and nerve have been exposed exiting via the infraorbital foramen. The superficial and deep heads of the masseter are well defined, and the partial dissection of the temporalis muscle provides a perspective on its broad origin and depth of fibres near pterion (and in contrast to the exposed and undissected right side). Inferior to the zygomatic, the parotid gland has been dissected to expose the mandibular condyle resting in the glenoid fossa and to demonstrate the relationship of the external ear relative to the external auditory meatus.
Brain (Cerebrum)
This 3D model provides a unique perspective on the anatomy of the cerebrum relative to the meninges. The cerebrum has been separated from the brainstem and cerebellum, with only parts of the midbrain and cerebral peduncles visible on the inferior surface. Adjacent to the cut section the olfactory tracts and bulbs can be seen extending along the inferior margin of the frontal lobes of the cerebrum.Varying dissection between the left and right cerebral hemispheres allows an appreciation for the organisation of the brain and meninges as it would normally appear within the cranial cavity. In the midline, the dura mater has been preserved from anterior (rostral) to posterior. The central portion of the true (endosteal) dura opened to expose the superior sagittal sinus (between endosteal and meningeal layers of dura mater). Numerous arachnoid granulations (clusters of arachnoid villi) are visible within the opened superior sagittal sinus – as well as across the margins of the preserved dura. On the right cerebral hemisphere, the dura mater has been completely removed to expose the underlying arachnoid mater, which obscures the appearance of the underlying cerebral gyri and sulci as well as the terminal branches of cerebral arteries. In contrast, the arachnoid mater has dissected across most of the hemisphere (excepting a margin for reference) to expose the gyri and sulci covered in pia mater. This allows a clear view of the lateral sulcus and the central sulcus, with the latter defining the boundaries of the frontal and parietal lobes - and separating the primary sensory and motor cortical areas on the gyri on either side of the sulcus.
Sagittal Section of head with infratemporal Fossa Dissection
This 3D model provides a combined midsagittal section through the head and superior neck coupled with a deep dissection into the infratemporal fossa region and superficial dissection of the scalp.In the preserved midsagittal section there is preservation of the endocranial contents, the nasal and oral cavities, and the pharynx to the level of the laryngeal cartilages. The nasal cavity is preserved nearly intact, except for a small window excised into the middle nasal concha to expose the ethmoid air cells. A very large sphenoid sinus exists in the individual just superior to the torus of the auditory tube in the nasopharynx. The oral cavity and laryngopharynx are undissected, with the larynx only preserve just distal to the level of the arytenoid cartilages and not including a clear set of vocal folds.Within the endocranial cavity, the sectioned brain is slightly off the midagittal plane, such that neither the superior sagittal sinus nor the third ventricle are clearly defined - but the lateral ventricle is open and part of the fourth ventricle is preserved between the pons and cerebellum. The gyri and sulci of the cerebrum are not well separated, but the cingulate gyrus and corpus callosum can be separated. Cross-sectioned views of the optic tract, pituitary gland, superior and inferior colliculi, superior cerebellar peduncle, and transition between the medulla oblongata and spinal cord are all visible. The tentorium cerebelli and confluence/transverse sinus is positioned between the cerebellar hemisphere and occipital lobe. Small portions of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, vertebral arteries, basilar artery, and posterior cerebral and anterior cerebral arteries are visible in section.On the opposing side of the model, a superficial and deep dissection has opened a large window into the anatomy of the lateral scalp and infratemporal fossa. Across the scalp there is a well preserved posterior auricular nerve and superficial temporal artery highlighted on the superficial surface of the temporalis muscle. Anteriorly, the temporalis has been dissected to expose the deep temporal arteries arising from across the maxillary artery.The deep level of dissection has exposed parts of the infratemporal fossa (through partial removal of the mandibular ramus and corpus) and dissection of retromandibular tissues. At the inferior margin of the dissection window, the cut edge of the retromandibular vein lies adjacent to the submandibular gland and the ascending path of the facial artery as it cross towards to angle of the mouth. Just superior to the cut retromandibular vein is the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, overlying a small exposure of the deeper internal jugular vein.Just posterior to the retained ascending ramus of the mandible are the external carotid artery and the occipital artery (running in parallel prior to passing posteriorly). Tracing the external carotid artery superiorly, the posterior auricular artery, superficial temporal artery, and maxillary artery are all visible. The maxillary artery passes deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle and into the infratemporal fossa, reappearing superior to the lateral pterygoid as it passes into the pterygomaxillary fissure. Along its course, it gives rise to the posterior deep temporal artery, the inferior alveolar artery (which is exposed in the dissected mandibular corpus), the anterior deep temporal artery, and the posterior superior alveolar artery. Finally, the inferior alveolar nerve can be seen coursing within the opened mandibular corpus, and the lingual nerve resting on the medial pterygoid. The buccinator muscle is also retained, with the distal part of the parotid duct preserved as it enters the muscle towards the oral mucosa.
Parasagittal Section of the head and neck
This 3D model of the head and neck represents a specimen sectioned just off the midsagittal plane to retain some midline anatomical structures (e.g., the falx cerebri, the septum pellucidum, the nasal septum) that are absent from other specimens in the series. There has also been fixative-induced shrinkage of the neural tissue. This reduction in volume has the benefit of exaggerating the space between the brain and endocranial contours and structures which are normally in closer approximation. The undissected side of the specimen has been digitally removed.The anterior part of the falx cerebri has been retained from its anterior attachment at the crista galli to roughly the midpoint of its extent towards the tentorium cerebelli. At the attachment of the falx part of the dura has been removed to demonstrate the extent of the superior sagittal sinus within the retained portion of the dural infold. The brain itself has been sectioned with preservation of the septum pellucidum and the interventricular foramen (of Monro) defining the passageway between the deep lateral ventricle and sectioned third ventricle. This section plane also captures the infundibulum extending from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland, which is seated adjacent to a well-developed sphenoid sinus. Both the cerebral aqueduct and fourth ventricle are preserved, as are parts of the left vertebral artery, left posterior cerebral (in cross-section) and the branches of the anterior cerebral artery passing around the corpus callosum.The retention of the nasal septum in this specimen (and in contrast to other 3D models of the head and neck in the series) allows for an appreciation of the relationship between the septum and the hard and soft palates, the entrance of the auditory tube, and the overall nasopharynx relative to the nasal cavity and oropharyngeal region inferior to it. The muscular wall of the pharynx has been isolated to demonstrate the position relative to the cervical vertebral column. Inferiorly, the tracheal cartilages including the epiglottis, arytenoid and thyroid have been retained to demonstrate the position of these cartilages relative to the hyoid bone, as well as the vestibule, vestibular fold, and vocal fold in cross-section.
Superficial Facial nerves & Parotid Gland
This 3D model presents the superficial anatomy of the face and head, and compliments the superficial facial anatomy of our HW 44 model with a more expanded dissection across the scalp and occipital regions.The superficial neurovascular and muscular structures in the face largely mirror the structures described in reference to our HW 44 specimen (see description), although the terminal branches of the facial nerve (CNVII) can be largely followed across a longer course from the parotid gland and the platysma muscle has been retained superficial to the mandible and extends towards the neck.In contrast to the HW 44 specimen, this model has a more expansive superficial dissection inferior to the external ear and across the posterior scalp and occipital region. This allows for an expanded appreciation of the neurovascular distribution of the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves and arties with the superficial temporal artery. Inferior to the ear, the retromandibular vein has been exposed with the ascending fibres of the great auricular nerve on its superficial surface (and further branches of this nerve on the surface of the sternocleidomastoid muscle). At the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle the lesser occipital nerve is just preserved, near the exiting and ascension of the occipital artery and vein near the trapezius muscle towards the posterior scalp. Surrounding the external ear are fibres of the auricularis superior and posterior muscles. Near the margin of the dissection window posteriorly the deep fibres of the occiptalis muscle can be seen integrated into the epicranius (occipitofrontalis) muscle.
Parotid Gland and Facial Nerve dissection
This 3D model provides a superficial dissection window into the lateral face to demonstrate the anatomy of the parotid gland relative to surface features and neurovascular structures. These structures are of particular significance for management in Mohs surgery in the management of skin cancers, or in certain plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures.The opened window extends from just anterior to the external ear, from the level of the zygomatic arch to the angle of the mandible and extending from the anterior margin of the masseter muscle to the origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Exposed within the window is the bulk of the parotid gland, with the superior portions of the gland removed to demonstrate the superficial temporal artery and the facial nerve dividing into the superior terminal branches (e.g., the temporal, zygomatic and buccal). The parotid duct traverses the opened dissection window before passing towards the buccal region (and its termination into the buccinator muscle). An ascending branch of the great auricular nerve can be observed along the inferior and posterior margins of the parotid gland, and just anterior relative to the sternocleidomastoid.
Menschliche Körperrepliken, um die Lehre zu verbessern!
Die bahnbrechende Anatomie Serie von Erler- Zimmer beinhaltet eine einzigartige und unerreichte Sammlung von kolorierten menschlichen Körperrepliken welche speziell entworfen wurden, um die Lehre und das Lernen zu verbessern. Diese Premiumkollektion von höchst akkurater humaner Anatomie wurde direkt aus radiologischen Daten oder echten Präparaten mit neuesten Bildgebenden Verfahren erzeugt. Die 3D menschliche Anatomie Serie bietet einen kosteneffektiven Weg, um Ihrem speziellen Unterrichts- und Demonstrationsbedarf im gesamten curricularen Bereich der Medizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften und der Biologie gerecht zu werden. Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Anatomie, welche in jedem 3D-gedruckten Präparat dargestellt wird, wir mitgeliefert. Welche Vorteile bietet die Monash 3D Anatomie Serie im Vergleich zu Plastikmodellen oder echten menschlichen Plastinaten?
Jede Körperreplik wurde sorgfältig entwickelt aus ausgewählten radiologischen Patientendaten oder präparierten menschlichen Körpern höchster Qualität, welche von einem hochqualifizierten Anatomenteam im Lehrzentrum für menschliche Anatomie der Monash Universität ausgewählt wurden, um klinisch wichtige Bereiche der Anatomie in einer Qualität und Detailtreue darzustellen, wie es mit konventionellen Modellen nicht möglich ist – es handelt sich um echte Anatomie, nicht um stilisierte.
Jede Körperreplik wurde strengstens überprüft vom hochqualifizierten Anatomenteam im Lehrzentrum für menschliche Anatomie der Monash Universität, um die anatomische Genauigkeit des Endprodukts zu gewährleisten. Die Körperrepliken sind kein echtes menschliches Gewebe und unterliegen deshalb keinen Einschränkungen beim Transport, Import oder der Verwendung in Bildungseinrichtungen, die keine Erlaubnis zur Verwendung von Leichen haben. Die
Die exklusive 3D Anatomie Serie vermeidet diese und andere ethische Probleme, welche auftreten, wenn man mit plastinierten menschlichen Überresten umgeht.